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主题 : 正在上新三的课,把笔记整理到这里
级别: 新手上路
10  发表于: 2004-03-27   
flame of rage/ go down, sink/ rapidly, swiftly, hurriedly, quickly, immediately/ plunge into/ guilty, crime, offense, sin, misconduct, fault/ be tolerant of/ hardened, experienced/ professional , vocational, vacation/ officious, attentive/ dreadful, terrible, horrible/ pounce on/ perfume, cologne/ fragrant, flagrant/ be exempt from/ the sense of duty, the sense of direction, the sense of pride/ nostrils/ check in office/ custom, Customs, customer, costume/ go through, pass, check, suffered/ for one thing... for another, on the one hand...on the other hand /gold rush, discord, golden apple/ look sb. in the eye/ messy, rambling/ suddenly, all of a sudden/ believe firmly, believe in/ be greeted by

He is regarded as the best novelist of the day.
Mary is regarded as a dragon lady.
The old farmer is regarded as a red neck.
The couple plunged into an unhappy marriage.
The general manage plunged into huge debt.
Even God, can not make it sink.
I am quite tolerant his bad temper.
I declare you husband and woman.
He is exempt from the test
The item/article is exempt from import duty.
The country has gone through too many wars.
I have nothing to complain about.
Never try my patience.
I was greeted by a stream of abuse.
I am going to take a business trip to London next month.
How are you going?
I am going by air/sea/land.
It is a four-hour flight/train ride/voyage/drive
级别: 新手上路
11  发表于: 2004-03-29   
slim, pale/ dwell, dwelt/ wretched ,miserable/ toiled to death, worried to death, bored to death, emptiness/ an element of, a spot of/
opportunity/ consider to be, imagine to be/ from dawn to dusk/ idle one’s time away/ lobster, shrimp, prawn, crab/ put it/ costume, national costume, academic costume, academic gown/ consist of/ sheet, pillow, bedspread, quilt, blanket, bedside lamp, mattress*matrix/ single bed, double bed, bunk bed, cradle
Adam and Eve dwelt in the Garden of Eden.
The professor led a miserable life.
He got lost in the Sahara desert and then starved to death.
Broadly speaking, people can be divided to three kind , those who are...
Work is work: pleasure is pleasure.
Work and pleasure are one.
Opportunities play an important part/role in our life.
You have to study from dawn to dusk and you never have cause to idle your time away.
I wish I could invite you to dinner.
I wished I had proposed to her.
Porter loaded the freighter with coals.
How can I say LOVE in Spanish?
How can I put it in English?
The United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

级别: *
12  发表于: 2004-03-30   
级别: 新手上路
13  发表于: 2004-03-31   
级别: 骑士
14  发表于: 2004-03-31   
级别: 新手上路
15  发表于: 2004-04-01   
on board=on/ grow impatient, get impatient/ be ashamed of /effective, efficient, proficient/ meter, water meter, read the meter/ pace, gentle pace of living/ flee, get away/ slam/ fancy-dress party, cocktail party/ costume, evening dress, dressing code/ eat, drink be merry/ intend to do/ hooked nose/ dress up as/ lamb, mutton/come straight /Electricity Board, Electricity Service/ explain the situation/ let out a cry/ walk towards sb/ gangster, robber, pickpocket/ promptly/ remarkable/ band, a band of soldiers/dedicate/ good memory, poor memory, forgetful/ valiant, a valiant soldier/ there was a time/ in return for/ put sb. out of business/ as long ago as
On board were 1,310 passengers.
On board the Titanic were 1,310 passengers.
On board her were 1,310 passengers.
Don’t slam the door.
I’m scared.
Are there any parties going on tonight?
There is a toga party at my place tonight.
Let’s go to the party and get drunk.
Let’s hit the bars.
I intend to give him a surprise.
The little boy intended to dress up as a rabbit.
The young man intended to dress up as Napoleon.
Mutton dressed up as lamb.
Please come straight to the point.
She wanted to find out whether it would be comfortable to wear.
Not wanting to go to the cocktail party, I stayed at home watching TV.
It’s quite hard for me to explain the situation.
I arrived promptly at 7 o’clock.
His success is remarkable.
I’m crazy about rock and roll.
I’m going to take a trip to Florence in May.
The Greeks dedicated the temple to the Athena.
Might is right.
There is no sweet without sweat.
There was a time when the mobile phone was the symbol of social status.
There was a time when a boy has to pay/present a bunch of roses to a girl in return for a date.
As long ago as the thirteenth century Taiwan was established as part of china.

级别: 新手上路
16  发表于: 2004-04-05   
go a long way/ find one’s way to /pavement, sidewalk/ disappeared out the window/ roll up the carpet, roller coaster/ short-sleeved shirt/ what’s more, moreover, further more/ rub one’s face with face cream/ be stuck/ reward sb. with sth./ a prize photo, prize time/
tie A to B, tie the dog to the tree/ theft, thief/ accuse him of robbery, theft/ be ashamed of/ acquire knowledge/ deny, admit, avoid, enjoy, mind, risk/ or, otherwise/ dear/kidnapper/considerable/ orderly, well-arranged/ vogue, fashion/ change one’s mind/considering
During the summer months, fruits can’t go a long way.
His smiles and voices found their way to my heart/mind.
He was late, which upset me.
I rewarded her with ten dollars for taking care of my nephew.
I denied having met her.
You should be shamed of your behavior.
The girl dyed her hair red.
Life is very dear to everyone.
Don’t sleep as long as you want.
As she is frugal, she seldom withdraws money from her bank account.
I am rarely interested in magazines, but I recently took considerable interest in a magazine called “cosmopolitan”.
I am rarely interested in sports, but I recently took great interest in a sport called “surfing”.
The old man leads a monotonous life.
I was instructed by my mentor to write an article on Shakespeare.
At first, the new couple decided to spend their honeymoon in a romantic city “Venice”, but fearing that they would be short of money, they changed their minds.

级别: 新手上路
17  发表于: 2004-04-08   
boxing ring, boxing gloves/ bare one’s heart/ popularity, fame, reputation, name/ ill fame, international fame/ eminent, outstanding/
bitterly, violently, denounce/ extravagant/ poverty, property/ poverty of imagination, poverty of inventiveness/commit suicide/ biography/ in those days, at that time/ at present, nowadays/ fight with/ draw up, set up/ change A into B/ in his day/offer to do, do sth willingly/ trainee/ in fact, actually, as a matter of fact/ turn against/ bet... on.../was defeated, lost/ pessimistic, optimistic/ be in debt, plunge into debt/ epoch, incredulity, brief/ lines/part, role, character/ cast sb. as, cast, cast, cast/ reveal a secret/as white as a blanket sheet, innocent/
I graduated from Harvard University in 1995.
My major was English.
By the time of the graduation, I was awarded the Bachelor of Arts.
I have to bare my heart to somebody, or/otherwise I will go mad.
The twins dress and walk alike.
The twins are as alike as two peas in a pod.
Van Gogh lived in poverty all his life.
In the past, people used to fight with swords.
One of the most colorful figures in movie history was Audrey Hepburn, who was born in 1929.
One of the most colorful figures in literature history was Shakespeare, who was born in 1564.
F4 is adored by old and young alike.
Audrey Hepburn rose to fame swiftly after the movie “Rome Holiday” when she was only twenty-four years old.
Vivian Leigh rose to fame swiftly after the movie “Waterloo Bridge” when she was only twenty-six years old.
I bet  $10 on the horse.
If winter comes, can spring be far behind ?
When you say, “I love you”, just mean it.
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom. It was the age of foolishness. It was the epoch of belief. It was the epoch of incredulity. It was the season of light. It was the season of darkness. It was the spring of hope. It was the winter of despair.
“The Return of the King” is still running.
I am always forgetting my lines.
The director cast me as the gangster’s wife in the new play.
I get on/along well with my colleagues.
The curtain is rising.
Light dimming, music fills up the room.

级别: 新手上路
18  发表于: 2004-04-10   
appetizer, salad, bread roll, soup, main course, entree/ on end, continuously, upright/ in many ways, in many aspect/ be required to do, have to do/expect sb. to do/ insist, request, demand, propose, suggest/ play a joke on sb, play a trick on sb/ with great care/ present sth to sb/ presentation/ look on/ much to my surprise/ the gas from cars, exhaust/ octopus/ delicacy/ delicious, tasty, nice, inviting/ the delicacy of the season/ repulsive sight/stomach, tolerate, bear, stand/ a stream of abuse/ snail mail/ associate A with B/
despise, despair/ appeal to, attract/ do sth on impulse/ pork, beef, chicken, mutton/ at the idea of, at the thought of/practice, routine/ be brought up/ stick to/countless, limitless/ flat, apartment/ equally, also/ take complete possession/ leek, celery, spinach, cauliflower, cucumber, wax gourd, pumpkin, green pepper, eggplant, carrot, pea, soy, dwarf bean/skeleton respectable, respectful/ conceal, hide, cover, veil / ruin , demolish, raze/
Do you have a reservation?
What do you recommend?
What’s good here?
What’s the daily special?
What would you want for dessert/main course/appetizer/soup?
What would you like to eat/have?
Would you like to try the fish/steak/trout/escargot here?
Would you like to order or just a minute?
A few more minutes, please/ I’d like to order now.
During July and August, there is no rain several weeks on end.
Put the bottle on end.
I expect him to take part in the contest.
This is(not) always the case
Be buried alive for eighteen years.
The clerk presented the important document to the general manager.
Look on with folded arms.
Man is what he eats.
The exhaust is poisoning the air of our city.
The dessert looks inviting.
How can you stomach his crude behavior?
He leads a life of luxury.
Many people associate the Great Wall with China.
Many people associate the Ivory Tower with university.
The idea of marriage never appeals to me.
Women tend to eat a lot/go shopping on impulse.
Sometimes young people become quite illogical when they try to decide what should be done and what should not be done.
Women become quite impulsive when they try to decide what should be bought and what should not be bought.
If you live in London, for instance, you would consider sweet sour chicken a great delicacy.
We were brought up to be kind and honest.
Each side sticks to its position.
I couldn’t care less. = I could care least.
I couldn’t agree with you more. = I could agree with you best.
No singer had received more praise and abuse than Michael Jackson.
I have no car of my own.
Acting on a sudden impulse, I bought a lot of clothes.
Acting on a sudden impulse, I collected all the trash in the classroom, put it in a paper bag and took it in a dustbin.
She was reduced to a skeleton.
We should be respectful to the old.

级别: 新手上路
19  发表于: 2004-04-14   
petrify, the petrified forest in Arizona/ swing, sway, dangle/ to some degree/ leap out/ influence on/ wound one’s pride/ a man of taste/ subtle, delicate/ anticipate, expect/ devise, invent/ get sth. for nothing/ offer to do, be willing to do/ response to/ philosopher
Finding a good job is not easy these days.
I am a general executive assistant. I work for a state owned enterprise.
I major in education.
The scandal became known and his reputation was ruined.
To some degree, one should not depend on others for everything.
To some degree, we Chinese should not forget the wound of the war.
To some degree, the poem conveyed the poet’s feelings to the readers.
To some degree, she is more qualified for the job than anyone else.
I am so proud of you. You are my pride.
I was petrified when I read in the novel that gorgon petrified the young man.
Teachers have a great influence on their students.
Parents have a great influence on their children.
Home environment has a great influence on children.
I have a taste for music.
I don’t think life is worth living if one were not constantly the prey of his emotions.
No one can avoid being influenced by his parent.
Much as he likes her, he does get annoyed with her sometime.
Everyone is willing to get sth for nothing.
Much as Sandy loves Kate, she leaves him without a word.
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were leading philosophers of Ancient Greece.

