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主题 : 每天一起练口语——142课
级别: 新手上路
10  发表于: 2004-04-01   
Is this useful?
and who can pratice this with me?
hoho,sometimes I think if i have a girlfriend,All will be OK!
级别: 论坛版主
11  发表于: 2004-04-01   

49. Work, Work Hard! (1)

The modern farmer spreads the agricultural chemicals on the fields. 当今的农民(用直升飞机)把农药喷洒到田里。
This woman is washing dishes again. 这个女人又在洗盘子了。
The farmer is hoeing the fields. 农民在耕地。
The smith is making shoes for a horse while "braining" his cat. 铁匠在煅马蹄铁时,他的猫听得头铛铛作响。
This man always has clean floors and wet feet. 这个男人常常弄湿了脚刷洗地板。
He is hurrying to his office. 他赶着去上班。
The worker is pounding steel pipes to mend the leakage of water. 管道工为了修缮漏水而敲打着下水道的铁管。
The husband mows his lawn on Saturdays. 那位丈夫在每个周六修剪草坪。
Someone is working in the manhole. 有人在(锅炉的)检修孔中工作。
absent-minded 心不在焉
级别: 论坛版主
12  发表于: 2004-04-02   

50. Work, Work Hard! (2)

The husband has built a doghouse for his dog. 丈夫为爱犬建造了狗屋。
This lady is sweeping the section of sidewalk that her husbands forget. 这位女人在打扫丈夫忘记打扫的人行道。
This driver cannot driver any farther because there is a man in the manhole. 由于(锅炉的)检修孔里有人在,所以那个司机再也无法前进。
The designer is going to create a new type of dress. 服装设计师正在设计新款女装。
The watchmaker is near-sighted. 这位钟表匠是个近视眼。
The paperhanger is working with sticky wallpaper. 裱纸匠正在贴着附粘胶的壁纸。
The waiter serves only the best food, of course. 当然,侍者只端来最佳的膳食。
The electrician wears rubber shoes on the job. 电工在工作中穿着绝缘鞋。
This man is painting the house the wrong color. 这个男人在漆着和房屋不相称的油漆。
The roofer is patching the roof with metal. 屋面防水工在用铁皮修补屋顶。
级别: 论坛版主
13  发表于: 2004-04-03   

51. Work, Work Hard! (3)

The window-washer has a dangerous job. 玻璃清洁工担负着危险的工作。
The firemen fight fires and rescue people. 消防队员和火灾搏斗,拯救人们。
The mechanic repairs cars. 机工修理汽车。
The sanitary engineer collects garbage. 卫生队员收集垃圾。
The newsboy throws his papers in the wrong place. 报童把报纸投错了地方。
The editor checks all of the current news. 编辑在检查所有的时事消息。
The plumber has made a mistake. 配管工犯了一个错误。
The shore man is carrying a heavy load. 码头工人在搬运沉重的东西。
The mailman is delivering letters. 邮差在发信。
This man risks his life. 这个男人在冒着生命危险。
He operates the crane. 他在操纵起重机。
This man yells directions and gets sunburned. 这个人一边晒着太阳,一边在大声下达指令。
This man digs foundations for skyscrapers. 这个人在挖着高层大楼的地基。(建设?破坏?)
The man mines coal where day seems like night. 这个人在即便是白天也犹如晚上的地方开采煤炭。
The milkman hopes the cows have plenty of milk every morning. 挤牛奶的人希望每天清晨都能得到大量牛奶。
The lumberjack sweats as he cuts down a tree. 伐木工人边砍树边擦汗。
This woman used too much soap in her washing machine. 这个女人放了太多的洗衣粉到洗衣机里。
级别: 论坛版主
14  发表于: 2004-04-04   

52. Use Your Head.

A hot story is waiting in the city! 在市内有热门的消息等着我们。
World Chess Champion 国际象棋冠军(卡斯帕罗夫、谢军)
This professor has put all of his students to sleep except two.
These two students drank a lot of coffee. 这两个学生喝了许多咖啡。(原来如
This composer is writing beautiful song. 这位作曲家写出了美妙的歌曲。
He is explaining the details of his idea. 他在详细说明这个构想。
An artist is making computers look beautiful. 画家在给电脑化妆。
Maybe he'll fall for it this time! Ha, ha. 这一次它可望落入陷阱。哈!哈!
I'm an intelligent cat. 我是一只精明的猫。
The computer technician reads the paper tape. 电脑的技术人员在解读纸带。
If I'm careful... 当心啊……
The man is drawing blueprints for a new house. 这个人在设计新房屋的蓝图。
The simultaneous interpreter needs lots of intelligence and knowledge.
The baby will be a great architect. 那个婴儿将会成为大建筑家。
This man is directing the movie. 那个人从事电影导演工作。
The cameraman is filming a famous star. 摄影师正在拍摄著名影星的电影。
The script man is flirting with the star. 编剧正在和影星打情骂俏。
The man thinks he has it made. 这个人想要自己制作它。
The student is busy studying math. 这个学生忙于研究数学。
The man is surveying land for a national park. 这个人正在测量国家公园的土地(面积)。
The doctor is busy examining a patient. 医生为给病人做身体检查而忙碌着。
The chemist is testing enzymes. 化学家在试验着酶。
The reporter has a good story. 这个记者采访到了精彩的记事。
The editor is getting a story ready for print. 编辑在准备把记事付印。

There are some feelings that time cannot benumb. ----Lorb Byron
级别: 论坛版主
15  发表于: 2004-04-05   

53. Oh, Lazy man!

I'm twenty and proud that I've never fed myself! 我二十岁了,但是,以从来不会自己挣钱吃饭为傲。
I'd rather dream than study my chemistry. 我还是做我的梦,总比研究化学好。
He is too lazy to move but luckily he has strong toes. 他虽然懒惰得不肯动,但是幸而有强壮的脚趾。
He has forgotten about his job. 他把工作忘得一干二净。
They enjoy being idled. 他们以偷懒为乐。
The fool doesn't suspect a thing. 傻人不疑心什么。
innocent fool 无罪的傻瓜
He may cheat in checkers, but it beats staring at his face all day long. 他可能在下象棋时做手脚,但是只要一整天盯着他的脸看便会获胜了。
What can I say? 我能说些什么呢?
Banking is such a boring business; I believe I'll take a short snooze. 警卫银行是桩枯燥的差事,且打个盹吧。
good guy 好家伙
tricky 诡计多端
fooling around 闲荡
Eating is my favorite hobby. 吃是我最大的嗜好。
I do have such a gorgeous face even if I do say so myself. 假如要我自己说嘛,我委实是个美人胚子。
I'll pretend like it's not ringing. 且当它闹钟没有响吧。
I'm sorry I'm late. I overslept again. 抱歉我来晚了。我又睡过头了。
Perhaps I can sneak out of the classroom unnoticed. 也许我可以神不知鬼不觉地溜进教室。

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.
级别: 论坛版主
16  发表于: 2004-04-06   

54. Happy Holidays:

I have a strong throwing arm! 我的手臂力大无比。
Looking handsome is what counts most! 英俊无非是最有价值的。
Boy Scouts serve the community. 童子军服务社区。
That's the best way to spend your holidays. 那是打法休假最明智的方法。
Tennis clothes are so cute! 网球装非常可爱。
Walking to enjoy the sights is enjoyable. 一面浏览景色一面散步最为快乐。
Winning money is great fun and relaxation. 赚钱是最愉快舒服的事。
Fishing is often frustrating. 钓鱼常常会遭到挫败。
Tinkering is so enjoyable. 修理东西令人快乐。
Camping with a group is fun. 大伙露营是趣味横生的事。
Reading and listening to music is the ultimate in relaxation. 一面读书,一面听音乐是最佳的休息。
Playing the guitar is my thing. 弹吉他是我的拿手好戏。
I hadn't planned on swimming across the whole lake. 我可从没计划要游过整个湖。
Rowing builds up arm muscles. 划船能够锻炼臂力。
Hiking gives you time to think. 郊游可以使你有时间思考。
Skiing is such a challenging sport! 滑雪是非常有挑战性的运动!
Building is rewarding. 建造东西是有价值的事。
Mountain-climbing is difficult. 登山是困难的事。
had so much fun 玩得开心
take a rain check 遇雨改期

Nature is the best physician. 自然是最佳的医生。
级别: 论坛版主
17  发表于: 2004-04-08   

55. What's Wrong With You?

He has a headache and needs aspirin. 他头痛,需要阿斯匹林。
He cut his finger because he was careless. 他不小心割破了手指头。
He is having a temper tantrum. 他在大发脾气。
He sees things. He has gone crazy. 他有幻觉。他疯了。
He is suffering from whiplash. 他因鞭打症而受着苦。
I lift weights all day long. I can't think but that I'm healthy. 我一整天都在举重,健康至上嘛。
He skinned his knee. 他擦破了膝盖的皮。
She is in good shape. 她的身体状况良好。
Keep your body clean! 身体要常保持清洁。
I broke my leg. 我摔断了腿骨。
drop dead 晕倒
I ate too much candy. I have a toothache. 我吃了太多的糖果。牙齿在痛哩。
He brushes his teeth. 他在刷牙。
He is the top condition. 他的身体情况处在巅峰状态。
He is very nervous, so he takes a lot of pills. 他非常的神经质,所以要服很多药(片)。
Don't give me your cold, man! 不要把你的伤风传染给我!
He should see the doctor. 他应该去看医生。
They walk as if they were drugged. 他们走路像服了什么药物似的摇晃着。
He has a very bad stomachache from eating too much. 他因为吃得太多而导致胃痛。
Do I have to go to a hospital? 我应该住院(治疗)吗?
级别: 论坛版主
18  发表于: 2004-04-08   

56. Money, Money, Money.

Two dollars and seventy-five cents. 二美元七角五分。
That makes ten dollars, right? 这加起来是十美元,对吗?
Grocery bills are expensive. 食品价格昂贵。
I'm not rich. I wish I didn't have to pay the fine. 我不是富有人家,但愿不必交罚款。
I only need a thousand more pennies to buy my airplane. 我只要在有一千个一角的铜板,就能买一架飞机了。
I won the most valuable prize! 我赢得了最高的奖赏!
Here's my credit card, just bill me. 这是信用卡,请记账吧。
Remember us on payday with a good bone. 发工资的日子可别忘了请客。
I wish I had half the money he does. 但愿我有他一半的钱。
This month all of my law clients paid their bills. 这个月前来做法律咨询的客户全都付清账单了。
All of my paycheck disappears so quickly. 我的薪水在不旋踵之间都消失无踪了。
This lady is a rent collector. 这位女士是收租人。
If you sign this contract all of your financial worries will be over! 如果你在这份合约上签字,你就和金钱的劳累一刀两断了。
Your car hit me and now I demand the money to pay the doctor with! 你的汽车撞了我,所以我要求你支付赔偿。
Payday is here again. 又到了领薪水的日子了。
Here's the money you need. The interest rate is 25%. 这是你要的钱,利息是25%。(谋杀!)
Just deposit your money with us; we'll take good care of it. 请存在本银行,我们会负责保管的。
With the rate of inflation I borrow money from the bank. 由于通货膨胀,我要向这家银行贷款。
级别: 论坛版主
19  发表于: 2004-04-09   

57. To Run And To Chase

My delicious dinner won't get away. 可不能让到嘴的佳肴逃走了。(不能让煮熟的鸭子飞了。)
The computer is going to kill me. 我快要被电脑逼死了。
Stop in the name of the law. 以法律的名义命令停下。
Put your pants on. 穿上你的裤子。
Never! 决不!
No, no! 不要!不要!
Come back here, you brat! 回来,你这臭家伙!
I love you! (还需要我翻译吗?)
Yay team! 加油!
Stop thief! 住手,小偷!
Bet you can't catch me. 打赌你无法捉到我。
Are you kidding? 你是开玩笑吧?
The missile is in pursuit of the jet. 导弹追赶着喷气机。(好热烈的追逐!)
to run after the gentleman 追求绅士
to try to get rid of the lady 想摆脱那个女人
to race 竞争
to top others 脱颖而出;获得第一
to follow her naughty brother 追赶顽皮刁钻的弟弟
to speed away 快速离开
in shifts 轮流
to run for freedom 为求自由而逃跑(越狱呀?)
to run away from his sister 从他姐姐那儿逃走(发生了什么事情?)
to chase the thief 追踪小偷
to escape from the policeman 从警察手下逃亡
