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raindrop 2007-06-18 07:10


这里蛮清静的, 没什么人,我想以后在这里背单词

airflyer 2007-06-18 10:53



竹影无风 2007-06-18 19:20

raindrop 2007-06-18 22:23
List 1 Page 1-10
A, a A-1 AA AB aback abacus abandon abandon abandoned abase abasement abashed unabashed abate abattoir abbess abbey abbot abbreviate abbreviation ABC abdicate abdomen abduct abduction abed aberrant aberration abet abeyance abhor abhorrent abide abiding ability abject abjure abjuration ablaze able able-bodied able seaman ablution ablutions ably abnegation self-abnegation abnormal abo abos aboard abode abode abolish abolition abolitionist abominable abominable snowman abominate abomination aboriginal aboriginal aborigine abort abortion abortionist abortive abound about about-turn abount-face above above aboveboard above-mentioned abracadabra abrade abrasion abrasive abrasive abreast abridge abridgment abridgement abroad abrogate abrogation abscess abscond abseil absence absent absent absentee absenteeism absentia absently absent-minded absinth absinthe absolute absolutely absolute zero absolution absolutism absolve absorb absorbent absorbing abstain abstemious abstemiousness abstention abstinence abstract abstract abstract abstracted abstraction abstruse abstruseness absurd abundance abundant abuse abuse abusive abut abutment abysmal abyss a/c AC acacia academic academic academician academy accede accelerate acceleration accelerator accent accent accentuate accept acceptable acceptance access access accessible accession accessory access time accidence accident accidental accident-prone acclaim acclaim acclamation acclimatize acclimatization acclivity accolade accommodate accommodating accommodation accommodations accompaniment accompanist accompany accomplice accomplish accomplished accomplishment accord accord accordance according as accordingly according to accordion accost account account accountability accountable accountancy accountant accoutrements accredited accretion accrue acct accumulate accumulative accumulator accuracy accurate accursed accusation accusative accuse accused accustom accustomed AC/DC

raindrop 2007-06-18 22:28
谢谢"airflyer"和"竹影无风"的鼓励,我会好好努力的,但是我今天已经很抓紧时间了,还是只看了10页,加上刚才抄的那一遍,也只有两遍,看来每天背20页背三遍是不可能了,以后还是调整为每天背10页吧,这样实际些,关键是每天都能坚持下去, 变成习惯就好了。。

raindrop 2007-06-19 23:02
List 2 Page 11- 20
Ace ace acerbic acerbity acetate acetic acetic acid acetylene ache ache achieve achievement achilles’ heel acid acidify acidity acid rain acid test acknowledge acknowledgment acknowledgement acme acne acolyte acorn acoustic acoustic coupler acoustics acquaint acquaintance acquaintanceship acquiesce acquiescent acquire acquired taste acquisition acquisitive acquit acquittal conviction acre acreage acrid acrimony acrobat acrobatic acrobatics acronym across across-the-board acrostic acrylic act act acting acting action actionable action stations activate active active activist activity act of God actor actress actual actuality actually actuary acuity acumen acupuncture acute ad AD adage adagio Adam adamant Adam’s apple adapt adaptable adaptation adapter adaptor ADC add added addendum adder addict addicted addiction addictive addition additional additive addled add-on address address address addressee adduce adenoids adept adequate adhere adherence adherent adhesion adhesive adhoc adieu ad infinitum adipose adj adjacent adjective adjoin adjourn adjudge adjudicate adjunct adjure adjust adjutant ad-lib ad lib adman administer administration administrative administrator admirable admiral Admiralty admiration admire admirer admissible admission admit admittance admitted admittedly admixture admonish admonition admonitory ad nauseam ado adobe adolescent adopt adoption adoptive adorable adoration adore adorn adornment adrenalin adrift adroit adulation adult adult adult education adulterate adulterer adultery adumbrate adv advance advance advance advanced advanced level advancement advances advantage advantageous advent Advent adventitious adventure adventurer adventuress adventurous adventuresome adverb adverbial adversary adverse adversity advert advertise advertisement advertising advice advisable

raindrop 2007-06-20 22:22
List 3 Page 21- 30
Advise advisedly adviser advisory advocacy advocate advocate adze adz aegis aeon aerate aerial antenna aerial aerobatics aerobics aerodrome aerodynamic aerodynamics aerogramme aeronautics aeroplane aerosol aerospace aesthete aesthetic aetheticienne aesthetics aether ether afar affable affair affect affect affectation affected affection affectionate affianced affidavit affiliate affiliation affiliate affiliation order affinity affirm affirmative affirmative action affix affix afflict affliction affluent afford afforest affray affricate affront affront Afghan aficionado afield afire aflame AFL-CIO afloat afoot aforesaid aforethought afortiori afoul afraid afresh African Afrikaans Afrikaner Afro aft after after after after afterbirth aftercare aftereffect afterglow afterlife aftermath afternoon afternoons afters aftershave aftershave lotion aftertaste afterthought afterwards afterward again against agape agate age age aged ageing aging aged aged age group age bracket ageing aging ageing aging ageism agism ageless agency agenda agent agent provacateur age of consent agglomerate agglomerate agglutination aggrandizement aggrandizement aggravate aggregate aggregate aggression aggressive aggressor aggrieved agro aghast agile aging agism agitate agitation agitator aglow AGM agnostic ago agog agonize agonized agonized agonizing agonizing agony agony aunt agony column agoraphobia claustrophobia agoraphobic agrarian agree agreeable agreeably agreement agriculture aground ague ah aha ahead ahem ahoy AI aid aid aide aide-de-camp aides-de-camp AIDS Aids ail aileron ailment aim aimless ain’t air air airbase airbed airborne airbrake airbus air chief marshal air commodore air-conditioning aircraft aircraft carrier aircarftman aircraftmen aircrew airfield aerodrome airforce airgun airhostess airily airing airlane airletter airlift airline airliner airlock airmail airman airwoman airmiss airplane airpocket airport air raid airs airship airsick airsickness airspace

raindrop 2007-06-21 22:59
List 4 Page 31- 40
Airspeed airstrip air terminal airtight air-to-air air vice-marshal airway airwoman airworthy airworthiness airy aisle aitch ajar akimbo akin ala alabaster alacarte alack alacrity alamode alarm alarm alarm clock alarmist alas albatross albeit albino album albumen alchemy alcohol alcoholic alcoholic alcoholism alcove aldente alderman ale aleck alehouse alert alert alert A level alfalfa alfresco algae algebra algorithm alias aliases alibi alien alien alienate alienation alight alight align alignment alike alimentary canal alimony alit alliterate alive alkali all all all all Allah all-American all-around allay all clear allegation allege allegedly allegiance allegory allegorically allegro alleluia allergic allergy alleviate alleviation alley alleyway alliance allied alligator all-inclusive all-in wrestling alliteration allocate allocation allot allotment allow allowable allowance alloy alloy all-powerful all-purpose all right all round all-round all-singing all-dancing allspice all-star all-time allude allure allure allurement allusion alluvial alluvium ally ally alma mater almanac almighty almond almoner almost alms alms-house aloft alone along along alongside aloof aloof aloud alpaca alpha alpha and omega alphabet alphabetical alphanumeric alpine already alright Alsatian also also-ran altar altarpiece alter alteration altercation alter ego alternate alternate alternating current alternative alternative alternator although altimeter altitude alto altogether altogether altruism altruist aluminium alumnus alumna alveolar always am AM amalgam amalgamate amanuensis amass amateur amateurish amatory amaze amazement amazed amazing amazon ambassador ambassadress amber ambidextrous ambience ambiance ambient ambiguous unambiguous ambit ambition ambitious ambivalent amble ambrosia ambulance ambulance chaser ambush ambush ameba

eye 2007-06-22 18:55

eye 2007-06-22 18:57
aback abacus abandon abandon abandoned abase abasement abashed unabashed abate abattoir abbess abbey abbot
abbreviate abbreviation ABC abdicate abdomen abduct abduction abed aberrant abet abeyance abhor abhorrent abide
abiding ability abject abjure abjuration ablaze able able-bodied able seaman ablution ablutions ably abnegation
self-abnegation abnormal abo abos aboard abode abode abode abolish abolition abound about about-turn about-face
above above aboveboard above-mentioned abracadabra abrade abrasion abrasive abrasive abreast abridge abridgment
abridgement abroad abrogate abrogation abscess abscond abseil absence absent absent absentee absenteeism absentia
absently absent-minded absinth absinthe absolute absolutely absolute zero absolution absolutism absolve absorb absorbent absorbing abstain abstemious abstemiousness abstention abstinence abstract abstract abstract abstracted
abstraction abstruse abstruseness absurd abundance abundant abuse abuse abusive abut abutment abysmal abyss
AC acacia academic academic academician academy accede accelerate acceleration accelerator accent accent
accentuate accept acceptable acceptance access access accessible acclivity accolade accommodate accommodating
accomodation accommodations accompaniment accompanist accompany accomplice accompish accomplished accomplishment
accord accord accordance according as accordingly according to accordion accost account accoutablity accountable
accountancy accountant accountements accredite accretion accrue acct accumulate accumulative accumulator accuracy
accursed accusation accuse accused accustom accustomed

ACE ace acerbic acerbity acetate acetic acetic acid acetylene ache ache achieve achievement achilles' heel acid acidify acidity acid rain acid test acknowledge acknowlegdment acknowledgement acme acne acolyte acorn acoustic acoustic coupler acoustics acquaint acquaintance acquaintanceship acquiesce acquiescent acquire acquired taste acquisition acquisitive acquit acquittal conviction acre acreage acrid acrimony acrobat acrobatic acrobatics acronym across across-the-board acrotic acrylic acrylic act act acting acting action actionable action stations activate active active activist activity act of god actor actress actual actuality actually actuary actuity acumen ADC add added addendum adder addict addicted addiction addictive addition addtional additive addled add-on address address address addressee adduce adenoids adept adequate adhere adherence adherent adhesion adhesive adhoc adieu ad infinitum adipose adj adjacent adjective adjoin adjourn adjudge adjudicate adjunct adjure adjust adjutant? ad-lib ad lib adman administer administration administrative administrator admirable admiral admiralty admiration admire admirer admissble admission admit admitted admittedly admixture admonish admonition admonitory ad nauseam ado adobe adolescent adopt adoption adoptive adorable adoration adore adorn adonment adrenalin adrift adroit adulation adult adult adult education adulterate adulterer adultery adumbrate adv advance advance advance advance advanced advanced level advacncement advances advantage advantageous advent advent adventitious adventurer adventuress adventurous adventuresome adverb adverbial adversary adverse adversity advert advertise advertisement advertising advice advisable
advise advisedly adviser advisory advocacy advocate advocate adze adz aegis aeon aerate aerial antenna aerial aerobatics aerobics aerodrome aerodynamic aerodynamics aerogramme aeronautics aeroplane aerosol aerospace aesthete aesthetic aethticienne aesthetics aether ether afar affable affair affect affect affectation affected affection affectionate affinanced affidavit affiliate affiliation affiliate affiliation order affinity affirm affimative affimative action affix afflict affliction affluent afford afforest affray affricate affront affront afghan aficionado afield afire aflame AFL-CIO afloat afoot aforesaid aforethought afortiori afoul afraid afresh african afrikaans afrikaner afro aft after after afterbirth aftercare afterwards aferward again against agape agate age age aged ageing aged aged age group age bracket ageing aging ageing aging agesim agism ageless agency agenda agent agent provacateur age of consent agglomerate agglomerate agglutination aggrandizement aggrandizement aggravate aggregate aggregate aggression aggressive aggressor aggrieved agro aghast agile aging agism agitate agitation agitator aglow AGM agnostic ago agog agonize agonized agonized agonizing agonizing agony agony aunt agony column agoraphobia claustrophobic agrarian aides-de-camp AIDS aids ail aileron ailment aim aimless ain't air air airbase airbed airborne airbrake airbus air chief marshal air commodore air-conditioning aircraft aircraft carrier aircraftman aircraftmen aircrew airfield aerodrome airforce airgun airhostess airily airing airlane airletter airlift airline airliner airlock airmail airman airwoman airmiss airplane airpocket airport air raid airs airship airsick airsickness airspace

airspeed airstrip air terminal airtight air-to-air vice-marshal airway airwoman airworthy airworthiness airy aisle aitch ajar akimbo akin ala alabaster alacarte alack alacrity alamode alarm alarm alarm clock alarmist alas albastross albeit albino album albumen alchemy alcohol alcoholic alcoholic alcoholic alcoholism alcove aldente aldeman ale aleck alehouse alert alert alert A level alfalfa alfresco algae algebra algrithm alias aliases alibi alien alien alienate alienation alight alight align alignment alike alimentary canal alimony alit aliterate alive alkai all all allah all-american all-around allay all clear allegation allege allegedly allegiance allegory allegorically allegro alleluia allegic allergy alleviation alley alleyway alliance allied alligator all-inclusiveall-in wresting alliteration allocate allocation allot allotment allow allowable allowance alloy alloy all-powerful all-purpose all right all round all-singing all-dancing allspice all-star all-time allude allure allure allurement allusion alluvial alluvium ally ally alma mater almanac almighty almond almoner almost alms alms-house aloft alone along along alongside aloof aloof aloud alpaca alpha and amega alphabet alphabetical alphanumeric alpine already alright alstian also alsoran altar altarpiece alter alteration altercation altercation alter ego alternate alternate alrenating current alternative alternative alternator although altimeter altitude alto altogether altogether altruism altruist aluminium alumnus alumna alvedar always am AM amalgam amalgamate amanuenisis amass amateur amateurish amatory amaze amazement amazed amazing amazon ambassador ambassadress amber ambidextrous ambiance ambience ambient ambiguous unambiguous ambit ambition ambituous ambivalent amble ambrosia ambulance ambulance chaser ambush ambush ameba

Ameliorate amen amenable amend amendment amends amenity American football American Indian Amerindian Americanism Americanize amethyst amiable amicable amid amidst amidships aminioacid amir amiss amity ammeter ammonia ammunition amnesia amnesty amoeba ameba maobic amebic amok among amoral amorous amorphous amortize amount amount amour amp amperage ampersand amphetamine amphibian amphbian amphibious amphitheatre amphora ample amplifier amplify amplitude ampoule amputate amputee amuck AMOK amulet amuse amusement amusement arcade amusement park FUNFAIR amusing an anabolic steroid anachronism anaconda anaemia anemia anaemic anemic anaesthesia anesthesia anaesthetic anesthetic anaesthetist anesthetist anaesthetize anagram anal analgesia analgesic analogous analogue analog analogue computer analogy analyse analysis analyst analytic analytical anapaest anarchic anarchism anarchist anarchy anathema anathematize anatomical anatomist anatomy ancestor ancestral ancestry anchor anchor anchorage anchorite anchorperson anchovy ancient ancient ancients ancillary and andante andiron firedog androgynous android anecdotal anecdocte anemia anemometer anemone aneroid barometer anesthesia anesthetic anesthetist anesthetize anew angel angelus anger anger angina pectoris angina angle angle angle anglican anglicism anglicize anglo-american anglo-catholic anglo-indian anglophile anglophilia anglophobe anglophobia anglo-saxon anglo-saxon angora angostura angry angst anguish angular animadvert animadversion animal animal animal husbandry animate inanimate animated animated cartoon animation animism animosity anseed ankle anklet annals anneal annex annexe annihilate anniversary Anno Domini annotate announce announcement announcer annoy annoyance annual annual annuity annual anode anodyne anoint anodyne anoint anomaly anon anon anonymity anoymous anopheles anorak anorexia anorexic another answer answer answerable ant antagorism antagorist antagorize Antarctic Antartic Circle ante ante anteater antecedent antecedent antecedents antechamber anteroom antedate antediluvian antelope ante meridiem antenatal antenatal clinic antenna anterior anteroom anthem anther anthill anthology anthracite anthrax anthropocentric anthropoid anthropology anthropomorphic anthropomorphism antiaircraft antibiotic antibody anticipate anticipation

Anticlerical antilerism anticlimax anticlockwisr counterclockwise clockwise antics anticyclone antidote antifreeze antigen antihero antihistamine antiknock antilogarithm antimacassar antinuclear antipathetic antipathy antipersonnel antiperspirant Antipodes Antipodean antiquarian antiquarian antiquarian antiquated antique antique antiquity antirrhinum snapdragon anti-semitism antiseptic antisocial antithesis antithetical antithetic antler antonym anus anvil anxiety anxious any any anybody anyhow anyone anyplace anything anyway anywhere arota apace apart apartheid apartment apartment house apathetic apathy ape ape aperitif aperture apex aphid aphis aphorism aphoristic aphrodisiac apiary aplenty aplomb apocalypse apocalyptic apocryphal apogee apolitical apologetic apologetics apologia apologist apologize apology apolectic apoplexy apostasy apostate aposteriori apostle apostolic apostrophe apostrophize apothecary apotheosis appal appalling apparatchik apparatus apparel apparel apparent apparently apparition appeal appeal appealing appear appearance appease appeasement appellation append appendage appengdectomy appendicitis appendix appertain appetite appetizer appetizing applaud applause apple apple cart applejack appple pie appliance applicable applicant application applied applique apply appoint appointment apportion apposite apposition appraisal appraise appreciable appreciate appreciation appreciative apprehend apprehension apprehensive apprentice apprentice apprenticeship apprise approach approachbale approbation appropriate appropriate approval approve approved school approx approximate approximate approximation appurtenance apricot April April fool apriori apron apron strings apropos apropos apse apt aptitude aqualung aquamarine aquaplane aquaplane aquarium Aquarius aquatic aquatint aqueduct aqueous aquiline Arab arabesque Arabic Arabic numeral arable arbiter arbitrage arbitrary arbitrate arbitration arboreal arbour arbor arc ARC arcade Arcadia
Arcane arch arch arch archaeology archeology archaic archaism archangel archbishop archbishopic archeacon archdiocese archduke archenemy archeology archer archery archetype archetypical archetypal archimandrite archipelago architect architecture archival archives archivist archway arctic arctic Arctic Circle arc welding ardour arduous are are area area code arena aren't argent argon argot arguable argue argument argumentative aria arid Aries aright arise aristocracy aritocrat aritocratic arithmetic arithmetic arithmetician arithmetic progression arithmetical progreession ark Noah's ark Ark of the Covenant arm arm armada armadillo Armageddon armament armature armband armchait armchair armed armed forces armful armhole armistice armour armor armoured armored armoured armoured car armourer armorer armour plate armour plating armourplated armoury armory armpit arms arms race army aroma aromatic arose around around arousal arouse arpeggio arr arraign arrange arrangement arrant array array arrears arrest arrest arrival arrive arrogant arrogate arrow arrowhead arrowroot arse arsehole asshole arse arse about arsenal arsenic arson art art art deco artefact arterial arteriosclerosis artery artesian well artful arthritis artichoke jerusalem artichke article article articles articulate inarticulate articulate articulation artifact artefact artifice artificer artificial artificial insemination arificial intelligence artificial respiration artillery artisan aritist artiste artistic artistry artless artlessly artlessness art nouveau arts arts and crafts arty artiness arty-crafty as as asap asbestos ascend ascendancy ascendency ascendant ascendent ascendant ascension Ascension Day ascent ascertain ascetic ASCII ascot ascribe aseptic asexual ash ashes ash ashamed ashen ashes ashore ashtray tray Ash Wednesday ashy Asian Asiatic aside aside asinine ask askance askew asking price aslant asleep a/s level asp asparagus aspect asperity aspersion asphait asphyxiate aspic aspidistra aspirant aspirate aspire aspirin ass ass assail assailant assassin assassinate assault
Assault assault and battery assault course assay assegai assemblage assemble assebly assembly language assembly line assemblyman assembly woman assent assent dissent assert assertion assertive assess assessment assessor asset assetripping asseverate asseveration asshole assiduous assign assignation assignment assimilate assimilation assist assistance assistant aassizes assoc assn associate associate associate degree association Association football assonance assort assorted assortment asst assistant assuage assume assumption assurance assure assured assured asterisk astern asteriod asthma astigmatism astigmatistic astir astonish astonishment astound astrakhan astral astray astride astringent astringent astrologer astrology astronaut astronomical astronomy astrophysics astute asunder asylum asymmetric symmetrical at ate athesim atheist athlete athlete's foot athletic athletics athwart atlas atmosphere atmopheric atmospherics atoll atom atom bomb atomic bomb atomic atomic energy atomic pile atomzier atonal atone atop atrium atrocious atrocity atrophy attach atache attache case attachment attack attack attain attainment attempt attempt attend attendance attendant attendant attention attention attentive attentive attenuate attest attestation attested milk attic attire attire attitude attorney attorney general attract attraction attractive attribute attribute attribute attributive attrition attune atypical aubergine eggplant auburn auction auction autioner audacious audacity audible audience audio audio-visual audit audition audition auditor auditorium auditory au fait auger aught augument augur augury august August auk auidlang syne anut au pair au pair girl aura aural aureole au revoir auricle auricular aurora auscultation aupices auspicious aussie austere austerity australasian australian autarchy autarky autarchy authentic authenticate authenticity author authoress author authoritarian authoritative authority authorization authorize authotized version king james version authorship autism autisitic auto autobiography autocracy autocrat autocross autocue teleprompter autograph autograph automat automate automatic automatic automatic pilot autopilot automation automation automobile autonomous autonomy autopsy autosuggestion autumn fall autumnal auxiliary auxiliary auxiliary verb av avail avail available
Avalanche avant-grade avarice avater Ave avenge aver average average average averse aversion aversion therapy avert aviary aviation aviator avid avocado avocation avoid avoidance avoirdupois avow avuncular await awake awake awaken awakening award award aware awash away away awe awe awe awe-inspiring awesome awestruck awful awfully awhile awkward awl awning awoke awoken A.W.O.L awry axe axe axiom axiomatic axis axle ayah ayatoallah aye aye aye azimuth azure b,BA AB baa baaed babble babble babe babel baboon babu baboo baby baby baby carriage param baby-minder child-minder baby-sit baby-sitter baby talk baby tooth milk tooth baccalatureate baccarat bacchanal baccy bachelor bachelor's degree bacillus back back back backache backbench backbencher backbiting backbone backbreaking backchat backcomb backcountry backdate backdoor backdrop backer backfire back pack formation backgammon dice background backhand backhanded backhender backing backlash backlog back number back of beyond back pack back passage return back pedal room boy back seat back-seat driver backside backslapping backslide backspace backstage backstairs back street backstroke back talk backtrack backup backward backwards backwater backwoods backwoodsman backyard bacon backteria bacteriology bactrian bad bad bad blood bad debt baddie baddy bade bad form badge badge badger badger badinage badlands badly badly-off badminton bad-mouth baffle baffle bag bag bagatelle bagel baggage baggage car luggage van baggage room left luggage office baggy bag lady bagpipes bags bags bags bah bail

bail bail bailey bailiff bairn bait bait bake bake baker's dozen bakery baking powder bacalava balalaika balance balance balanced balanced diet balance of payments balance of power balance of trade balance sheet balcony bald balderdash balding baldly bale bale baleful balk balk ball ball ball ballad ballade ballast ballast ball bearing ball cock ballcock ballerina ballet ball game ballistic missile ballistics balloon balloon ballooning ballot ballot ball park ballpoint ballroom dancing balls balls badly ballyhoo balm balmy baloney balsa balsam balustrade bamboo bamboozle ban ban banal banana banana republic banana skin band band band bandage bandage bandanna bandana b and b B and B bandit bandmaster bandoleer bandolier bandsman bandstand bandwagon bandy bandy-legged bandy bane baneful bang bang bang banger bangle banish banister banjo banjos banjoers bank bank bank bank bank account bankbook bank draft bankbill banker banker's card bander'order bank holiday banking bank note bank rate bankroll backrupt bankrupt bankrupt bankruptcy banner banner headling bannock banns banquet banquet banshee bantam bantamweight banter banter banyan baptism baptist baptize bar bar bar bar barb barbarian barbarian barbaric barbarism barbarity barbarize barbarous barbecue barbecue barbed barbed wire barber barbcian barbiturate bar chart bar graph bar code bard bare bare bareback bare bones barefaced barefoot bareheaded barelegged barely bargain bargain barge barge bargee bargeman barge pole bar graph baritone barium meal bark bark bark bark bark barker barley barley sugar barley water barley wine barmaid barman bar mitzvah barmy barn barnacle barn dance barney barnstorm barnyyard barometer baron baroness baronet baronetcy baronial barony baroque barque barrack barracks barracuda barracuddas barrage barrage barred barrel barrel organ barren barrentte barricade barricade barrier barring barrister barrow barrow barrow boy bart bartender barman barter basalt base base
Base baseball baseboard baseless baseline basement base metal base rate bases bash bash bashful basic BASIC Basic basically basics basil basilica basilisk basin basisi bases bask basket basketball basketry basketwork bas-relief bass bass bassclef basset basset hound bass guitar bassinet bassist bassoon bast bastard bastardize bastardy baste baste bastinado bastion bat bat bat bat batch batch processing batch process bated bath bath bath chair bathe bathe bathing bathing machine bathing suit bathing costume bath mat bathos bathrobe bathroom baths bathtub tub bathysphere batik batman baton bats batsman battalion batten batten batter batter battering ram battery battle battle battleaxe battle cruiser battle cry battlefield battlements battle royal battleship batty bauble baud baulk bauxite bawd bawdy bawl bay bay bay bay bayonet bayonet bayou bay window bazaar bazooka BBC BC be be be beach beach beachball beach buggy beachchair beachcomber beachhead beachwear beacon bead beading beadle beady beagle beagling beak hug bearing bearish bearskin beast beastly beast of burden beat beat beaten beater beatific beatify beatification beating beatitude beatitudes beatnik beau beaujolais beau monde beaut beaut beauteous beautician beautiful beautify beauty beauty parlour beauty salon beauty queen beauty sleep beauty spot beaver beaver bebop bop becalmed because beck beck beckon become becoming becquerel bed

raindrop 2007-06-23 12:18
昨天电脑坏了, 刚搞好, 吓死我了, 以为硬盘全完了呢, 还好, 只坏了一个逻辑盘, 其他的都还健在..

raindrop 2007-06-23 12:19
引用第8楼eye2007-06-22 18:55发表的“”:

这....我是按词典抄的, 抄的时候算是复习呀..你抄我的怎么知道词意呢?

raindrop 2007-06-23 13:03
List 5 Page 41- 50
Ameliorate amen amenable amend amendment amends amenity American American football American Indian Amerindian Americanism Americanize amethyst amiable amicable amid amidst amidships aminoacid amir amiss amity ammeter ammonia ammunition amnesia amnesty amoeba ameba amoebic amebic amok among amoral amorous amorphous amortize amount amount amour amp amperage ampersand amphetamine amphibian amphibious amphitheatre amphora ample amplifier amplify amplitude ampoule amputate amputee amuck AMOK amulet amuse amusement amusement arcade amusement park FUNFAIR amusing an anabolic steroid anachronism anaconda anaemia anemia anaemic anemic anaesthesia anesthesia anaesthetic anesthetic anaesthetist anesthetist anaesthetize anagram anal analgesia analgesic analogous analogue analog analogue computer analogy analyse analysis analyst analytic analytical anapaest anarchic anarchism anarchist anarchy anathema anathematize anatomical anat9omist anatomy ancestor ancestral ancestry anchor anchor anchorage anchorite anchorperson anchovy ancient ancient ancients ancillary and andante andiron firedog androgynous android anecdotal anecdote anemia anemometer anemone aneroid barometer anesthesia anesthetic anesthetist anesthetize anew angel angelus anger anger angina pectoris angina angle angle angle Anglican Anglicism anglicize Anglo-American Anglo-American Anglo-Catholic Anglo-Indian anglophile anglophilia Anglophobe anglophobia Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Saxon angora angostura angry angst anguish angular animadvert animadversion animal animal animal husbandry animate inanimate animate animated animated cartoon animation animism animosity anseed ankle anklet annals anneal annex annexe annihilate anniversary Anno Domini annotate announce announcement announcer annoy annoyance annual annual annuity annul anode anodyne anodyne anoint anomaly anon anon anonymity anonymous anopheles anorak anorexia anorexic another answer answer answerable ant antagonism antagonist antagonize Antarctic Antarctic Circle ante ante anteater antecedent antecedent antecedents antechamber anteroom antedate antediluvian antelope ante meridiem antenatal antenatal clinic antenna anterior anteroom anthem anther anthill anthology anthracite anthrax anthropocentric anthropoid anthropology anthropomorphic anthropomorphism antiaircraft antibiotic antibody anticipate anticipation

eye 2007-06-23 20:21
引用第11楼raindrop2007-06-23 12:19发表的“”:

这....我是按词典抄的, 抄的时候算是复习呀..你抄我的怎么知道词意呢?


raindrop 2007-06-24 08:44
List 6 Page 51- 60
Anticlerical anticlerism anticlimax anticlockwise counterclockwise clockwise antics anticyclone cyclone antidote antifreeze antigen antihero antihistamine antiknock antilogarithm antimacassar antinuclear antipathetic antipathy antipersonnel antiperspirant Antipodes Antipodean antiquarian antiquarian antiquated antique antique antiquity antirrhinum snapdragon anti-Semitism antiseptic antisocial antithesis antithetical antithetic antler antonym anus anvil anxiety anxious any any anybody anyhow anyone anyplace anything anyway anywhere aorta apace apart apartheid apartment apartment house apathetic apathy ape ape aperitif aperture apex aphid aphis aphorism aphoristic aphrodisiac apiary aplenty aplomb apocalypse apocalyptic apocryphal apogee apolitical apologetic apologetics apologia apologist apologize apology apoplectic apoplexy apostasy apostate aposteriori apostle apostoiic apostrophe apostrophize apothecary apotheosis appal appalling apparatchik apparatus apparel apparel apparent apparently apparition appeal appeal appealing appear appearance appease appeasement appellation append appendage appendectomy appendicitis appendix appertain appetite appetizer appetizing applaud applause apple apple cart applejack apple pie appliance applicable applicant application applied appliqué apply appoint appointment apportion apposite apposition appraisal appraise appreciable appreciate appreciation appreciative apprehend apprehension apprehensive apprentice apprentice apprenticeship apprise approach approach approachable approbation appropriate appropriate approval approve approved school approx approximate approximate approximation appurtenance apricot April April fool apriori apron apron strings apropos apropos apse apt aptitude aqualung aquamarine aquaplane aquaplane aquarium Aquarius aquatic aquatint aqueduct aqueous aquiline Arab arabesque Arabian Arabic Arabic numeral arable arbiter arbitrage arbitrary arbitrate arbitration arboreal arbour arbor arc ARC arcade Arcadia

airflyer 2007-06-24 16:09
我现在一天50也的单词都下不来, 兄真厉害啊

raindrop 2007-06-26 22:12
List 7 Page 61-70
Arcane arch arch arch archaeology archeology archaic archaism archangel archbishop archbishopric archeacon archdiocese archduke archenemy archeology archer archery archetype archetypical archetypal archimandrite archipelago architect architecture archival archives archivist archway arctic Arctic Arctic Circle arc welding ardent ardour arduous are are area area code arena aren’t arête argent argon argot arguable argue argument argumentative aria arid Aries aright arise aristocracy aristocrat aristocratic arithmetic arithmetic arithmetician arithmetic progression arithmetical progression ark Noah’s ark Ark of the Covenant arm arm armada armadillo Armageddon armament armature armband armchair armchair armed armed forces armful armhole armistice armour armor armoured armored armoured armoured car armourer armorer armour plate armour plating armourplated armoury armory armpit arms arms race army aroma aromatic arose around around arousal arouse arpeggio arr arraign arrange arrangement arrant array array arrears arrest arrest arrival arrive arrogant arrogate arrow arrowhead arrowroot arse arsehole asshole arse arse about arsenal arsenic arson art art art deco artefact arterial arteriosclerosis artery artesian well artful arthritis artichoke Jerusalem artichke article article articles articulate inarticulate articulate articulation artifact artefact artifice artificer artificial artificial insemination artificial intelligence artificial respiration artillery artisan artist artiste artistic artistry artless artlessly artlessness art nouveau arts arts and crafts arty artiness arty-crafty as as asap asbestos ascend ascendancy ascendency ascendant ascendent ascendant ascension Ascension Day ascent ascertain ascetic ASCII ascot ascribe aseptic asexual ash ashes ash ashamed ashen ashes ashore ashtray tray Ash Wednesday ashy Asian Asiatic aside aside asinine ask askance askew asking price aslant asleep A/S level asp asparagus aspect asperity aspersion asphalt asphyxiate aspic aspidistra aspirant aspirate aspirate aspire aspirin ass ass assail assailant assassin assassinate assault

raindrop 2007-06-26 22:13
引用第15楼airflyer2007-06-24 16:09发表的“”:
我现在一天50也的单词都下不来, 兄真厉害啊

呵呵, 我也只能背10页而已, 50页确实太多了呀~

raindrop 2007-06-26 23:05
List 8 Page 71- 80
Assault assault and battery assault course assay assegai assemblage assemble assembly assembly language assembly line assemblyman assembly woman assent assent dissent assert assertion assertive assess assessment assessor asset asset-stripping asseverate asseveration asshole assiduous assign assignation assignment assimilate assimilation assist assistance assistant assizes assoc assn associate associate associate degree association Association football assonance assort assorted assortment asst assistant assuage assume assumption assurance assure assured assured asterisk astern asteroid asthma astigmatism astigmatistic astir astonish astonishment astound astrakhan astral astray astride astringent astringent astrologer astrology astronaut astronomical astronomy astrophysics astute asunder asylum asymmetric symmetrical at ate atheism atheist athlete athlete’s foot athletic athletics athwart atlas atmosphere atmospheric atmospherics atoll atom atom bomb atomic bomb atomic atomic energy atomic pile atomizer atonal atone atop atrium atrocious atrocity atrophy attach attaché attaché case attachment attack attack attain attainment attempt attempt attend attendance attendant attendant attention attention attentive attenuate attest attestation attested milk attic attire attire attitude attorney attorney general attract attraction attractive attribute attribute attributive attrition attune atypical aubergine eggplant auburn auction auction auctioneer audacious audacity audible audience audio audio-visual audit audition audition auditor auditorium auditory au fait auger aught augment augur augury august August auk auld lang syne aunt au pair au pair girl aura aural aureole au revoir auricle auricular aurora auscultation auspices auspicious Aussie austere austerity Australasian Australian autarchy autarky autarchy authentic authenticate authenticity author authoress author authoritarian authoritative authority authorization authorize Authorized Version King James Version authorship autism autistic auto autobiography autocracy autocrat autocross autocue teleprompter autograph autograph automat automate automatic automatic automatic pilot autopilot automation automation automobile autonomous autonomy autopsy autosuggestion autumn fall autumnal auxiliary auxiliary auxiliary verb av avail avail available

eye 2007-06-27 21:44

raindrop 2007-06-27 22:43
我在背呢, 还没搞完, 呵呵, 就快好了

raindrop 2007-06-27 22:49
我七月份开始就要断网了, 一直到十一月才能恢复, 不过我还是会每天都背的, 抄在我的Word文档里, 十一月一并贴过来, 我之所以要贴在这里就是想督促自己每天都背一点而已, 光抄其实用处不大的, 关键还是要认真地看和背的, 如果你也想一起背的话我可以告诉你我背的就是那本商务印书馆的《朗文当代高级英语辞典》,里面每个单词都解释得很详细的,你可以直接看那个,上面我写的页数就跟那上面是对应的

raindrop 2007-06-27 23:23
List 9 Page 81- 90
Avalanche avant-garde avarice avatar Ave avenge avenue aver average average average averse aversion aversion therapy avert aviary aviation aviator avid avocado avocation avoid avoidance avoirdupois avow avuncular await awake awake awaken awakening award award aware awash away away awe awe awe-inspiring awesome awestruck awful awfully awhile awkward awl awning awoke awoken A.W.O.L. awry axe axe axiom axiomatic axis axle ayah ayatollah aye aye aye azimuth azure B, b b B1 BA AB baa baaed babble babble babe babel baboon babu baboo baby baby baby carriage pram babyhood babyish baby-minder child-minder baby-sit baby-sitter baby talk baby tooth milk tooth baccalaureate baccarat bacchanal baccy bachelor bachelor’s degree bacillus bacilli back back back back backache backbench backbencher backbiting backbone backbreaking backchat backcloth backcomb backcountry backdate backdoor backdrop backer backfire back formation backgammon dice background backhand backhanded backhender backing backlash backlog back number back of beyond back pack back passage rectum back pedal back room boy back seat back-seat driver backside backslapping backslide backspace backstage backstairs back street backstroke back talk backtrack backup backward backwards backwater backwoods backwoodsman backyard bacon bacteria bacteriology Bactrian bad bad bad blood bad debt baddie baddy bade bad form badge badger badger badinage badlands badly badly-off badminton bad-mouth baffle baffle bag bag bagatelle bagel baggage baggage car luggage van baggage room left luggage office baggy bag lady bagpipes bags bags bags bah bail

raindrop 2007-06-28 23:59
List 10 Page 91- 100
Bail bail bailey bailiff bairn bait bait baize bake baker baker’s dozen bakery baking powder balaclava balalaika balance balance balanced balanced diet balance of payments balance of power balance of trade balance sheet balcony bald balderdash balding baldly bale bale baleful balk balk ball ball ballad ballade ballast ballast ball bearing ball cock ballcock ballerina ballet ball game ballistic missile ballistics balloon balloon ballooning ballot ballot ball park ballpoint ballroom ballroom dancing balls balls bally ballyhoo balm balmy baloney balsa balsam balustrade bamboo bamboozle ban ban banal banana banana republic banana skin band band band bandage bandage bandanna bandana b and b, B and B bandit bandmaster bandoleer bandolier bandsman bandstand bandwagon bandy bandy-legged bandy bane baneful bang bang bang bang banger bangle banish banister banjo banjos banjoes bank bank bank bank bank bank account bankbook bank draft bankbill banker banker’s card bander’s order bank holiday banking bank note bank rate bankroll bankroll bankrupt bankrupt bankrupt bankruptcy banner banner headling bannock banns banquet banquet banshee bantam bantamweight banter banter banyan baptism Baptist baptize bar bar bar Bar barb barbarian barbarian barbaric barbarism barbarity barbarize barbarous barbecue barbecue barbed barbed wire barber barbican barbiturate bar chart bar graph bar code bard bare bare bareback bare bones barefaced barefoot bareheaded barelegged barely bargain bargain barge barge bargee bargeman barge pole bar graph baritone barium meal bark bark bark bark bark barker barley barley sugar barley water barley wine barmaid barman bar mitzvah barmy barn barnacle barn dance barney barnstorm barnyard barometer baron baroness baronet baronetcy baronial barony baroque barque barrack barracks barracuda barracudas barrage barrage barred barrel barrel organ barren barrette barricade barricade barrier barring barrister barrow barrow barrow boy Bart bartender barman barter basalt base base

eye 2007-06-29 22:39

raindrop 2007-06-29 23:07
引用第24楼eye2007-06-29 22:39发表的“”:

这真的太可怕了呀, 好像有种扫描仪可以把图像自动转换成文本的, 叫"清华紫光OCR", 如果能找到那个可以快很多

raindrop 2007-06-30 00:02
List 11 Page 101- 110
Base baseball baseboard baseless baseline basement base metal base rate bases bash bash bashful basic BASIC Basic basically basics basil basilica basilisk basin basis basin basis bases bask basket basketball basketry basketwork bas-relief bass bass bassclef basset basset hound bass guitar bassinet bassist bassoon bast bastard bastardize bastardy baste baste bastinado bastion bat bat bat bat batch batch processing batch process bated bath bath bath chair bathe bathe bathing bathing machine bathing suit bathing costume bath mat bathos bathrobe bathroom baths bathtub tub bathysphere batik batman baton bats batsman battalion batten batten batter batter batter battering ram battery battle battle battleaxe battle cruiser battle cry battlefield battlements battle royal battleship batty bauble baud baulk bauxite bawd bawdy bawl bay bay bay bay bay bay bayonet bayonet bayou bay window bazaar bazooka BBC BC be be be beach beach beachball beach buggy beachchair beachcomber beachhead beachwear beacon bead beading beadle beady beagle beagling beak beak beaker be-all and end-all beam beam beam beam-ends bean beansprout bear bear bearable beard beard bearer bear hug bearing bearish bearskin beast beastly beast of burden beat beat beaten beat beat beaten beater beatific beatify beatification beating beatitude Beatitudes beatnik beau Beaujolais beau monde beaut beaut beauteous beautician beautiful beautify beauty beauty parlour beauty salon beauty queen beauty sleep beauty spot beaver beaver bebop bop becalmed because beck beck beckon become becoming becquerel bed

eye 2007-07-01 23:23
mm,加油哦!aza aza fighting !

eye 2007-07-03 21:27

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