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竹影无风 2022-07-24 10:32


—Are you and Bill from Canada? —_________(你和比尔是从加拿大来的吗?)
A. Yes, they are.(是的,他们是。)
B. Yes, I am.(是的,我是。)
C. Yes, we are.(是的,我们是。)
D. No, we don’t.(不,我们不。)
【解析】主语是you and Bill,两个人,所以用we,C选项正确。AB人称和数错误。D助动词使用错误。

—Are you fond of reading novels? —_________(你喜欢看小说吗?)
A. I found one novel.(我找到了一本小说。)
B. No, novels cannot read.(不,小说不能读。)
C. Novels are bad.(小说很糟糕。)
D. Yes. I like reading novels.(是的,我喜欢看小说。)

—Is it possible for you to work late tonight? —_________.(今晚你可以加班吗?)
A. I like it.(我喜欢它。)
B. I’ll do that.(我会去做那件事。)
C. I’d love to.(我很乐意。)
D. I think so.(我认为行。)
【解析】问的是可能性,对答者应表明自己的态度并做出回答。在此so替代了宾语从句that it is possible for me to work late tonight。而“Would you like / love to do sth?” 句型的肯定回答才是I’d love to,即对某种建议的肯定回答。另外,ABC选项都是在对做什么工作还不知道的情况下回答的,其中的it、that代指什么呢?

—Hello! Are you John Smith? —_________(你好,你是约翰.史密斯吗?)
A. Yes, I am.(是的,我是。)
B. I do.(我是。)
C. I’m fine.(我很好。)
D. Oh, good.(噢,好。)

5.【[01]询问-[01]是否-be(there be)】
—Is there any job vacancy for part time job on campus? —_________(在校园里有兼职工作的空缺吗?)
A. There is no post office.(没有邮局。)
B. Bank is closed(银行关门了。)
C. It is none of my business.(这不关我的事。)
D. Yes, you can find it online.(有的,你可以在网上找到。)

6.【[01]询问-[01]是否-be(there be)】
—Is there anyone in your family looking for a job? —Yes, my sister is. She is _______ part time in a restaurant now, but she wants to change her job.(—你有家人在找工作吗? —有的,我妹妹在找工作。她现在在餐厅________,但是她想换个工作。)
A. studying(学习)
B. working(工作)
C. eating(吃饭)
D. playing(玩)

—Is Julie’s husband wearing a suit? —_________(朱莉的丈夫穿着一套西装吗?)
A. He has just come back from the office.(他刚从办公室回来。)
B. Yes, he is.(是的,他穿着。)
C. Yes, he wears.(是的,他穿。)
D. He went swimming yesterday.(他昨天去游泳了。)
【解析】AD答非所问,且时态错误,A是现在完成时,D是一般过去时。C是一般现在时,时态错误。题干是现在进行时,B选项中的is,是现在进行时is wearing中的is,因此是正确的简略回答。

—Are you going on holiday for a long time? —_________(你要去度假很长时间吗?)
A. It was a long time.(那是一段很长的时间。)
B. Two weeks ago.(两周以前。)
C. No. Only a couple of days.(不是,就几天时间。)
D. Not long time ago.(不久之前。)
【解析】对方问的是将来,ABD各项均回答为过去时态,只有C项表示将来的时间。(a couple of =a few=several)

—Are you going on holiday?/Are you going to have a holiday? —_________(你要去度假吗?)
A. Not until next week.(到下星期。)
B. Three weeks ago.(三周以前。)
C. To Beijing.(去北京。)
D. I’m pleased to hear that.(我很高兴听到这个消息。)

—Are you doing anything this evening? —_________(今天晚上你有什么事吗?)
A. Thank you for the invitation.(谢谢你的邀请。)
B. How about you?(你呢?)
C. I can do nothing about it.(我什么也不能做。)
D. I don’t think so.(我觉得没有。)

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